Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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“Dragons” urge youth to take the reins of power and solve forestry and agriculture problems

To include local people in REDD+ activities, four conditions required, study finds

Paula Caballero: See Sustainable Development Goals through landscapes prism

Peru official: Time to boost evidence basis, pace of landscape-level policies

UN development leader: Climate change undoing development gains

Innovation expert: Ingredients for landscape success are here-and they’re working

In face of climate change, gender imbalance stretches from fields to forums-expert

Nicaragua study offers hard lessons for inclusion of women in forest decision-making

At COP20: REDD+ emerging -or REDD+ emergency?

Survey highlights REDD+ controversies over community monitoring

REDD+ on the ground: Unintended consequences in ‘a microcosm of the Amazon’

Au Pérou, pouvoir et intérêt politique règnent sur le secteur foncier

10 things you need to know about REDD+ safeguards

REDD+ on the ground: For one initiative in Indonesia, politics in the peatlands

Carbon 101: Faced with teaching a complex topic, scientists get creative

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