Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Beyond dialogue: building trust to save the people’s forests and support development

Strong commitments, then silence from key player in REDD+ policy arena

Deal or no deal, experts upbeat on progress of REDD+ safeguards

In national REDD+ policy networks, a bit of conflict is not a bad thing

REDD+ sur le terrain: conséquences imprévues pour «un microcosme d’Amazonie»

Indigenous land rights take center stage in Lima

Amid deforestation in Myanmar, growing discussions of REDD+ and rights

La REDD+ sur le terrain: un nouveau livre offre un aperçu des leçons apprises sous les tropiques

To restore mangrove forests, it’s all in the planning

Gender inequality merits greater attention in climate decisions: panel

On forests and climate, diverse experts discuss road to Paris

REDD+ on the ground: In Tanzania, funding and enthusiasm ‘faded away’

Latin American countries pledge to restore 20 million ha of degraded land

“Dragons” urge youth to take the reins of power and solve forestry and agriculture problems

To include local people in REDD+ activities, four conditions required, study finds

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