Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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¿Cuánto saben los actores relevantes sobre terminología de cambio climático?

Protected areas: biodiversity troves and carbon sinks under one canopy?

REDD+ en la práctica: un nuevo libro ofrece información y lecciones de los trópicos

COP20: émergence ou urgence de la REDD+?

Best of 2014: In Central Africa, policymakers’ knowledge of climate change found wanting

Best of 2014: ‘There will be no birds or monkeys because the forest will be gone’

Des engagements forts, puis le silence d’un acteur clé dans la sphère politique REDD+

Objectif de Rachel Kyte pour la science: faciliter l’usage des approches paysagères pour les pays

REDD+ sur le terrain: en Tanzanie, financement et enthousiasme ont «disparu»

Best of 2014: For REDD+, sky-high expectations meet on-the-ground realities

With climate effects looming, land-use planners reach for their toolbox

Beyond dialogue: building trust to save the people’s forests and support development

Strong commitments, then silence from key player in REDD+ policy arena

Deal or no deal, experts upbeat on progress of REDD+ safeguards

In national REDD+ policy networks, a bit of conflict is not a bad thing

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