Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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REDD+: The implementation challenge in the Congo Basin

REDD+ in Laos: Think big or fail

Género y REDD+: la verdad acerca de la participación de las mujeres en las decisiones forestales

Burkina Faso: disappearing rains and new realities

Essayons de suivre l’argent : la trajectoire des investissements vers des lieux réels en Asie du SE

How and why should equity be addressed within the REDD+ framework?

Investors want to fund sustainable landscapes – now the work begins

The REDD+ Framework: Finally complete after almost 10 years

Trying to follow the money: Tracing investments to actual places in SE Asia

Investment in sustainable landscapes: Time to take the risk

In the forest, women’s voices not heard: report

Un debate continuo: la ley que cambió la gestión ambiental del Perú

It’s a turn on: Talking climate change on Congo Basin radio

Smart reforestation must go beyond carbon: expert

¿Derechos sobre qué? El carbono por supuesto

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