Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Highlights from the 2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit

IPCC 1.5°C Special Report: More questions than answers when it comes to land use and forests

2016 Asia-Pacific Rainforest Summit

Política y REDD+: ¿por qué es tan difícil abordar las grandes causas de la deforestación?

REDD+ politics – or why it is so difficult to tackle large-scale drivers of deforestation

COP22’s Ayman Cherkaoui on the road from Paris to Marrakesh

Balancing Transparency and Non-State Actors in the Climate Negotiations

2016 Global Landscapes Forum: Connecting funds to farms and forests (Part 1)

Quantifying the drivers of South American deforestation

¿Quién asume realmente los costos de REDD+? La respuesta podría sorprenderlo

Who is really bearing the cost of REDD+? The answer may surprise you

Proyectos locales dan forma a las estrategias nacionales de REDD+

Paris Agreement signed. Now what?

Earth Day Special Feature: The importance of integration

America’s legacy in its second term as facilitator of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership

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