Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Getting down to business in Bonn

CarboScen: Nueva herramienta calcula cambios en el carbono de los paisajes

It’s too soon to bury REDD+

East Africa: An urgent need to monitor the forests

REDD+ pioneers or guinea pigs?

What is CarboScen?

One number to rule them all

REDD+ in Myanmar

Blue carbon science for sustainable development

¿Están siendo las intervenciones REDD+ efectivas para los bosques y las personas?

The human element of mangrove management

Increasing accountability in the Paris Agreement

Time to get it together on mitigation and adaptation

REDD+, conservation and rural livelihoods

Reflections on COP22 and gender

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