Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Measuring the effectiveness of subnational REDD+ initiatives

Green Climate Fund steps up to reduce deforestation and forest degradation

¿Puede REDD+ ayudar a revertir la deforestación en Brasil?

Is REDD+ playing fair?

The cost of missed opportunities

Forests, people and data

REDD+ results-based finance

Can REDD+ help Brazil roll back rising deforestation rates?

Lera Miles of UN Environment: ‘There’s much more peatland there than anyone had ever anticipated’

Tim Christophersen of UN Environment: ‘Peatlands are one of the least-understood ecosystems.’

Leveraging peat to beat the heat

Getting down to business in Bonn

CarboScen: Nueva herramienta calcula cambios en el carbono de los paisajes

It’s too soon to bury REDD+

East Africa: An urgent need to monitor the forests

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