Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Can you trust the numbers?

Global climate action is nothing without local backing

La acción climática global no es nada sin el respaldo local

Evaluation must be done

Recognition of indigenous territories as a REDD+ strategy: An example from the Peruvian Amazon

Mexico’s REDD+ still highly centralized

The winding path to transformational change

Gender equality vital part of forest-based climate action, says CIFOR scientist at COP24

Asegurar los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales podría frenar el calentamiento global

Securing rights of indigenous peoples and local communities may curb global warming

Governing forests for sustainability: What works?

More milk, less emissions from forests

El potencial del enfoque jurisdiccional para enfrentar la deforestación tropical

Científicos hacen sonar la alarma sobre el futuro de los humedales

The future of wetlands: We’ve been warned!

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