CIFOR has conducted GCS REDD+ activities at the national and subnational level since 2010. We have maintained a long-term relationship with the government of Acre and other members of the GCF (Governors’ Climate and Forests) Task Force in Brazil, as well as with civil society and private-sector actors, and universities.
In this Phase 4, country-specific activities in Brazil will be led by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in collaboration with the GCF Task Force and CIFOR-ICRAF with a focus on co-producing the diagnostic framework and advanced future emission scenarios. UFMG not only brings world-class land-use modelling expertise to the project, but also has an impressive track record of policy engagement on forestry and land-use issues at national and subnational levels in Brazil.
The science policy platforms will directly link to the regular convening spaces for the Brazilian members of the GCF Task Force and will involve strategic national actors in the reference group.
Currently, the Brazil team focuses on scenario building and modelling (Work Package 4.2). In brief, the objective of this component is to simulate three land-use and land-use-change scenarios – a business-as-usual scenario, an NDC compliance scenario and a more ambitious scenario based on ART-TREES guidelines – and to explore the implications of these scenarios for GHG emissions and REDD+ finance. This work is not limited to Brazil but includes other tropical forest countries in CIFOR’s GCS REDD+ IV project: DRC, Indonesia and Peru.
- Emergent
- Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCFTF)
- Mato Grosso State Secretary of Environment (SEMA-MT)
- Pará State Secretary of Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS-PA)
- Tocantins State Secretary of Environment and Water Resources (SEMARH-TO)
- Rondônia State Secretary of Environmental Development (SEDAM-RO)
- Amazonas State Secretary of Environment and Sustainability (SEMA-AM)
- Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
- Centro de Inteligência Territorial (CIT)
Official launch: Online deforestation and carbon emissions platform for Brazil
Workshop on Bringing together diverging REDD+ methodologies for strengthening Brazil’s REDD+ finance potential
Deforestation and Carbon Emission Simulators
Latest knowledge products
Forests News
Contact details
Richard van der Hoff
Rua Araguari, 358
CEP: 30190-110
Barro Preto, Belo Horizonte/MG