GLF Forests 2025: Defining the next decade of action

GLF Forests 2025: Defining the next decade of action

24 – 25 Apr 2025, Bonn, Germany, and online
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 The story of GCS REDD+: 15 years and counting

The story of GCS REDD+: 15 years and counting

The largest programme of its kind helping countries reduce their emissions in ways that are effective, efficient and equitable.
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What works to boost forest conservation outcomes?

What works to boost forest conservation outcomes?

A renewed push to understand where and how conservation interventions do the most
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Mining in the Congo rainforest causes more deforestation than previously assumed

Mining in the Congo rainforest causes more deforestation than previously assumed

Search for solutions must grapple with the legacy of armed conflict in the region.
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Christopher Martius reflects on the GCS REDD+ program

Christopher Martius reflects on the GCS REDD+ program

The next phase lies in implementation
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GLF Forests 2025: Defining the next decade of action

GLF Forests 2025: Defining the next decade of action

 The story of GCS REDD+: 15 years and counting

The story of GCS REDD+: 15 years and counting

What works to boost forest conservation outcomes?

What works to boost forest conservation outcomes?

Mining in the Congo rainforest causes more deforestation than previously assumed

Mining in the Congo rainforest causes more deforestation than previously assumed

Christopher Martius reflects on the GCS REDD+ program

Christopher Martius reflects on the GCS REDD+ program

CIFOR's Global Comparative Study
on REDD+

CIFOR-ICRAF's Global Comparative Study on REDD+ (2009-2024) is the largest research program on the UN’s REDD+ framework, which encourages countries to reduce their emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. For 15 years, our researchers worked with policymakers and forest communities to address the causes of forest-based emissions, resulting in improved monitoring, social safeguards, REDD+ policy design, and transparent emission-reduction frameworks. 
Moving forward, CIFOR-ICRAF remains committed to supporting REDD+ under the Warsaw Framework, helping countries design efficient, effective, and equitable REDD+ structures. The lessons learned from our work on social and environmental safeguards, transparency, and accountability also informs and should be integrated into new climate mechanisms such as carbon markets, nature-based solutions, and blue carbon, as well as landscape restoration initiatives 
CIFOR-ICRAF's ongoing work on carbon markets, forest management, climate change, wetlands, and gender equity continues to build on the GCS REDD+ program’s insights and achievements. 
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Publications and briefs

Timeline highlights

Story of Change: The international database on REDD+ projects and programmes (ID-RECCO)

Story of Change: The international database on REDD+ projects and programmes (ID-RECCO)


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Story of Change: Catalysing policy for the conservation of Amazonian peatlands in Peru

Story of Change: Catalysing policy for the conservation of Amazonian peatlands in Peru


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REDD+ Safeguards at a Glance series

REDD+ Safeguards at a Glance series


GCS researchers have worked for over 10 years to measure, test and report on best practices that safeguard rights for Indigenous and forest-dependent communities both in the context of REDD+ and beyond. Their findings are reported in this eight-part series.

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Deforestation and carbon emission simulators

Deforestation and carbon emission simulators


These tools rely on statistical analysis of environmental and physical variables to predict where deforestation is likely to occur under different policy scenarios in key ecosystems of Brazil, Peru, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC - coming soon) up to 2030.

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What influences the effectiveness of forest conservation interventions in tropical regions? A systematic review

What influences the effectiveness of forest conservation interventions in tropical regions? A systematic review


This paper reviewed 47 papers, conducting a robust heterogeneity analysis to determine which types of conservation interventions are most effective and in which contexts.

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Scientists delivered guidance for results-based payments in the forest sector under the Paris Agreement to the German Environment Agency (UBA)

Scientists delivered guidance for results-based payments in the forest sector under the Paris Agreement to the German Environment Agency (UBA)


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Knowledge Tree on REDD+ benefit sharing

Knowledge Tree on REDD+ benefit sharing


A tool to support those designing and implementing REDD+ payment distribution mechanisms.

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Archetype analysis of forest policies and measures: towards a new typology

Archetype analysis of forest policies and measures: towards a new typology


This paper develops and applies an archetype analysis of forest policy and measures as a systematic, bottom-up and replicable way with the goal of developing an accessible typology for policymakers and practitioners to design REDD+ projects.

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Scientists co-developed sectoral guides with the Green Climate Fund on forest and land-use, as well as ecosystems

Scientists co-developed sectoral guides with the Green Climate Fund on forest and land-use, as well as ecosystems


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GCS REDD+ scientists co-developed guidelines on transformational change with FAO

GCS REDD+ scientists co-developed guidelines on transformational change with FAO


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Peru adopts a national definition for peatlands

Peru adopts a national definition for peatlands


Supreme Decree N° 006-2021-MINAM: “Disposiciones generales para la gestión multisectorial y descentralizada de los humedales,”17, marks a significant moment and providing the much-needed regulatory framework for the conservation and sustainable management of peatlands across the country.

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Part1: Efeca evaluation of GCS REDD+, Phase III

Part1: Efeca evaluation of GCS REDD+, Phase III


The report evaluates GCS's outcomes and impact in Indonesia, Vietnam, Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, DRC, Guyana and Myanmar, as well as globally. CIFOR and the FTA Partnership also produce reports on GCS REDD+.

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Part 2:  Efeca evaluation of GCS REDD+, Phase III

Part 2: Efeca evaluation of GCS REDD+, Phase III


The report evaluates GCS's outcomes and impact in Indonesia, Vietnam, Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, DRC, Guyana and Myanmar, as well as globally. CIFOR and the FTA Partnership also produce reports on GCS REDD+.

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Story of Change: Vietnam developes a PFES system and stronger forest legislation

Story of Change: Vietnam developes a PFES system and stronger forest legislation


CIFOR’s research and active engagement with government and non-state actors contributed to the Vietnam Forestry Law (2017), as well as the Vietnam forestry development strategy (2021-2030, with a vision to 2050) and the REDD+ national strategy. GCS researchers also helped develop a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanism for Viet Nam’s nationwide Payments for Forest Environmental Services (PFES) scheme

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¿Cómo vamos? (How are we doing?) was adopted as one of Peru's official documents and plans for annual implementation of multi-stakeholder trainings in 75 protected areas.

¿Cómo vamos? (How are we doing?) was adopted as one of Peru's official documents and plans for annual implementation of multi-stakeholder trainings in 75 protected areas.


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The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions

The context of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Drivers, agents and institutions


This first country profile evaluates the drivers, agents, and institutions at play in DRC's REDD+ landscape; it is a baseline for all current and ongoing REDD+ work in the country.

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Story of Change: CIFOR's work informs jurisdictional approaches in Indonesia

Story of Change: CIFOR's work informs jurisdictional approaches in Indonesia


CIFOR helped launch the first ever jurisdictional level profile for Sintang District, Indonesia, as part of the study's larger work on jurisdictional profiles. The organisation also developed training and implementation guidelines for the KDSD (Regional Competitiveness Framework).

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CIFOR supports the Guyana Forestry Commission in developing a national MRV system and training national forestry staff

CIFOR supports the Guyana Forestry Commission in developing a national MRV system and training national forestry staff


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Story of Change: Research conducted through GCS REDD+ informed Indonesia's second Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) submission (2019), adding missing carbon sources and sinks including peatland fires. The country also adopted the 2013 Wetlands Supplement.

Story of Change: Research conducted through GCS REDD+ informed Indonesia's second Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) submission (2019), adding missing carbon sources and sinks including peatland fires. The country also adopted the 2013 Wetlands Supplement.


Research conducted through GCS REDD+ informs Indonesia's second Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) submission (2019), adding missing carbon sources and sinks including peatland fires. It also adopted the 2013 Wetlands Supplement.

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Improved systems for monitoring and legislating forests in Ethiopia

Improved systems for monitoring and legislating forests in Ethiopia


GCS REDD+ supported the development of Ethiopia's national REDD+ MRV system, Forest Reference Level (FRL) submission, and the Safeguards Information System (SIS). It also helped to revise the National Forest Law.

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Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions

Transforming REDD+: Lessons and new directions


This book provides a critical, evidence-based analysis of REDD+ implementation at the time of publication.

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The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) evaluated GCS REDD+ activities across 14 countries

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) evaluated GCS REDD+ activities across 14 countries


The report found that a combination of research, policy engagement and practical support on the ground has been an effective approach to secure the impact of the GCS programme.

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The International Database of REDD+ Projects (ID-RECCO) launched

The International Database of REDD+ Projects (ID-RECCO) launched


The database was created to fill gaps in data availability and improve transparency on REDD+ projects; it continues to be updated regularly.

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REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe

REDD+ on the ground: A case book of subnational initiatives across the globe


This book describes 23 REDD+ initiatives in six different countries and the menu of context-specific options employed in each.

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognised CIFOR methodologies for quantifying emission fluxes as part of their Wetlands Supplement report

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognised CIFOR methodologies for quantifying emission fluxes as part of their Wetlands Supplement report


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GCS research contributed to a UNFCCC decision on a stepwise approach for setting, measuring and reporting forest reference levels for REDD+

GCS research contributed to a UNFCCC decision on a stepwise approach for setting, measuring and reporting forest reference levels for REDD+


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Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices

Analysing REDD+: Challenges and choices


The third book in a series of texts from Phase I provides an analysis of actual REDD+ design and early implementation, evidenced by the GCS programme.

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Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy option

Realising REDD+: National strategy and policy option


The second book in the Phase I series strives to inform national and local REDD+ processes by addressing some basic questions such as: What new institutions, processes, policies, and projects are needed? What are the options in different areas, and how do they compare?

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Science-policy dialogues

Science-policy dialogues


The science-policy dialogues were a major outcome from the GCS REDD+ programme, phase IV (2020-2023) that brought stakeholders together to give feedback on scientific findings and link those findings with national plans for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Peru, Brazil, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

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Moving ahead with REDD+: issues, options, and implications

Moving ahead with REDD+: issues, options, and implications


This first book (in a three-part series) lay the groundwork for GCS REDD+, presenting options for REDD+ implementation with the goal of progressing UNFCCC negotiations on complex issues.

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Research themes

Effective, efficient and equitable REDD+ requires transparent and accountable forest monitoring, appropriate forest-friendly policies and actions adapted to different circumstances, as well as well-designed safeguards and benefit-sharing mechanisms. Moreover, forest-friendly policies need to balance competing policy objectives and stakeholder interests in order to support and promote transformational change.

Find out how GCS REDD+ is addressing five major global challenges with knowledge and actions.

REDD+ policies

REDD+ policies

For REDD+ to be successful, a transition away from the forces that drive, maintain and intensify business-as-usual deforestation and forest degradation is needed, both within and beyond the forestry sector.

Jurisdictional REDD+

Jurisdictional REDD+

Since 2007, more than 50 countries have launched national REDD+ initiatives; more than 40 subnational governments have committed to ‘jurisdictional approaches’; and hundreds of local REDD+ projects have been implemented globally. However, their effectiveness is still unknown.

Transparency framework

Transparency framework

The Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement provides a clear guideline to track progress toward achieving the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) for mitigation and adaptation and to inform the Global Stocktake. However, it represents a major challenge to many tropical countries.

Social inclusion and safeguards

Social inclusion and safeguards

Different REDD+ safeguard standards now exist. How different are they and what would it take for national and subnational jurisdictions to meet them? How can we encourage ambition to support the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) as well as women?

REDD+ benefit sharing

REDD+ benefit sharing

As REDD+ finance increases, improved transparency, accountability and equity of the revenue flows from current and prospective REDD+ benefit-sharing mechanisms can help foster confidence among stakeholders and create political support for further investments in tropical forests.





Latest news







24 - 25 Apr 2025

GLF Forests 2025: Defining the next decade of action

Bonn, Germany, and online
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Sustainable Bites: Innovating Low Emission Food Systems One Country at a Time

Room Bonn at the World Conference Center Bonn
14 - 15 Mar 2024

Science Policy Dialogue

Kempinski Fleuve Congo Hotel ,119 Bd Colonel Tshatshi, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo
22 Feb 2024

Official launch: Online deforestation and carbon emissions platform for Brazil

In-person attendance is only open to invitees
20 Feb 2024

Blue Carbon Dialogue: From science-based policy to implementation

Global Forestry Hall, CIFOR, Bogor and online



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