Landscape restoration
Wetlands ecosystems, including Peatlands and mangroves are among carbon-rich ecosystems that experience tremendous pressures of conversions for other uses. Restoring these ecosystems is crucial to abate climate change and sea level rise. The mitigation and adaptation measure should be seen as an opportunity to enhance livelihoods of local community.
- ReCLAIM: Restoring Coastal Landscape for Adaptation Integrated Mitigation by Rudhi Pribadi
- Katingan – Mentaya Project (KMP) Experimental Research by Taryono Darusman
- Sustainable Community Based Reforestation and Enterprise (SCORE) by Dessy Adriani
- CIFOR-Udayana University in three years collaborations by Ni Luh Watiniasih
Rudhi Pribadi
Taryono Darusman