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Backing biodiversity: Financing forests & trees

Backing biodiversity: Financing forests & trees


21 Oct – 1 Nov 2024, Cali, Colombia
Side event

Developing Indicators for Targets 4 and 5: Human Wildlife-Conflict and Sustainable Use and Trade of Wild Species

While several targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) address the need for sustainable wildlife management, including managing human-wildlife conflicts (HWC) for coexistence in Target 4, and ensuring sustainable, safe, and legal harvesting and trade of wild species in Target 5, comprehensive ways to measure progress towards meeting these targets are currently lacking. For example, Target 5 currently only has one headline indicator that focuses on addressing the proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels, which does not account for all relevant species or the legality, safety, and customary use of wild species.

Responding to this need, the IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group has been convening an open Working Group for the development of the component indicator for the HWC element of Target 4. Consisting of technical experts and several CBD Parties, the Working Group has produced a draft indicator framework proposal through participation in a series of online workshops over the last 10 months.

Similarly, the TRADE Hub project team, alongside organizations such as CIFOR-ICRAF, UNEP-WCMC, the University of Oxford, and the CASCADE Consortium has developed a proposal for a binary indicator for Target 5. These collaborators have organized an expert workshop, involving several CPW Partners and other institutions to refine this indicator and promote a two-way dialogue among stakeholders ahead of COP-16.

Given their scope, these initiatives are supported by the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Management of Wildlife (CPW), a partnership of 13 organisations, with several partners involved in the development of both indicators. Furthermore, the HWC and Target 5 indicator development are both joint initiatives of the CPW 2023-2025 Joint Workplan. Aligned with five CPW thematic objectives, these initiatives emphasize collaboration among CPW members and with other non-member organizations, highlighting a concerted effort to address the multifaceted challenges facing sustainable wildlife management.

This side event will provide an overview of the work done on these two indicators, present a draft proposal and related metrics, and receive feedback from the Parties for further refinement. By joining this side event, national authorities and other stakeholders will learn more about these tow proposals and engage in a two-way dialogue on their applicability considering different national contexts, priorities and needs.

Target 5 Proposed Binary Indicator

This document proposes a binary indicator for Target 5 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which was created to improve the sustainable, safe and legal use, harvest and trade of wild species. Developed collaboratively by CIFOR-ICRAF, CASCADE, the University of Oxford, and TRADE Hub, this indicator proposal aims to address long-standing gaps in monitoring and legal frameworks, providing a tool for tracking Parties’ progress on Target 5.


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Proposed programme

  • Welcome to the event and brief introduction to the programme (CPW Secretariat)
  • Indicator Development Targets 4 & 5: Current proposals and next steps
    • ​Presentation of the HWC component indicator development process and the draft proposal (IUCN HWCCSG)
    • Presentation of the draft proposal for a Binary Indicator for Sustainable Use and Trade of Wild Species (UNEP-WCMC, CIFOR-ICRAF)
  • Panel discussion with Parties 
  • Moderated Q&A with audience
  • Concluding remarks  (CBD Secretariat)