This report is meant to be complementary to the database (accessible on the internet), by offering the reader a more thorough analysis of the information presented on the website. However, it is only the very first step. It can certainly be improved and gain in value if followed by future versions produced regularly and keyed to implementing CAR's intentions through more comprehensive data collection and analysis.
These intentions are strongly encouraged and advanced by the urgent needs of European authorities and importers who, to abide by the EU Timber Regulations (EUTR), are looking for official, well-compiled information on wood and timber products that they control and/or commercialise. This type of publication is exactly what is needed and it is hoped that it will equip CAR to sustain, and even grow its market share in the EU and in other regions that are becoming increasingly strict with their suppliers about the legality of their imported wood and timber products.
Année de publication
Cerutti, P.O.; Mbangolo, J.D.; Nakoe, G.P.; Vandenhaute, M.; Hubert, D.
Mots clés
forest management, wood, logging, timber management, forestry production
Central African Republic