Key Points
- The 10 principles of a landscape approach are designed to assist managers in making decisions involving multiple or competing land uses.
- The principles were “taken note of” during the CBD COP in Hyderabad in 2011 and referenced as a valuable tool during the 17th SBSTTA meeting in Montreal, October 2013.
- The 17th SBSTTA also highlighted the complexity of land-management decisions and called for tools to assist parties in working toward the Aichi targets.
- Application of the principles has the potential to contribute to a number of the Aichi targets, particularly those under strategic goals D and E.
- The next steps for the targets must be to generate greater awareness among parties, to demonstrate value and improve uptake.
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Blackie, R.; Sunderland, T.C.H.
Mots clés
landscape, mapping, guidelines, biodiversity, sustainability