Country-specific activities in Brazil within the CIFOR GCS REDD+ phase IV, led by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), focus on co-producing the diagnostic framework and advanced future emission scenarios ( More specifically, they include a simulation of the potential of results-based payments (based on Article 5 of the Paris Agreement and ART-TREES methodology) and carbon credits/internationally transferable mitigation outcomes to the different scenarios. Before the simulation can take place, comprehensive understanding of the available mechanisms and different methodologies is needed to estimate deforestation and its associated emissions.
In Brazil, the majority (8/9) of state governments of the Brazilian Legal Amazon had submitted proposals to the Lowering Emissions by Accelerating Finance (LEAF) Coalition. They aimed to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and to capture financial resources based on its results. Brazil’s federal government, by contrast, has not yet acted on the call for proposals by the LEAF Coalition. At the same time, the methodologies for determining REDD+ results widely diverge not only between state proposals but also between other REDD+ institutions like the Amazon Fund, the Forest Reference Emissions Level (FREL)and the national inventory, among others.
Therefore, the main objectives of this workshop were (1) to level knowledge on REDD+ methodologies (international, national, jurisdictional); (2) to discuss data requirements for monitoring deforestation and forest degradation, carbon maps and baselines; (3) to clarify methodologies of the National Carbon Inventory and PRODES; and (4) to facilitate methodological alignments between different approaches to jurisdictional REDD+ by the federal and state governments.
The event took place on May 3, 2022 at the headquarters of the Brazilian Institute of Spatial Research (INPE) in São José dos Campos, Brazil. It was attended by experts of government agencies (national and subnational), academia, international NGOs and representatives of the LEAF Coalition.
- Richard Van der Hoff:
- Raoni Rajão:
- Laura Veloso: