Trees and forests: An investment in climate resilience
06 – 18 November 2022, Sharm el Sheikh, EgyptForestry research and climate change responses in the Congo Basin
The Congo Basin forests play an important role in regulating the regional and global climate. The protection of these forests through climate mitigation actions has taken precedence over adaptation to climate change, which is however the priority for the African continent. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is high on the climate agenda of Central African countries. On the eve of COP26, a plea was made for funding to support forestry research in the Congo Basin.
This session aims to share research initiatives undertaken by Central African research centres, in partnership with Northern universities and research centres, for the conservation of Congo Basin forests.
Related readings
- Réseau de recherche sur les forêts d’Afrique centrale - R2FAC
- Lutte contre la déforestation importée et engagements en faveur de la zéro déforestation
- Les aires protégées : un atout majeur pour la lutte contre les changements climatiques
- Congo Basin rainforest – invest US$150 million in science
- COP26 : 150 millions de dollars pour le bassin du Congo
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