Trees and forests: An investment in climate resilience

06 – 18 November 2022, Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt

How to implement food systems change

Food systems change, even ‘transformation’, has been highlighted as a way to accelerate adaptation and mitigation in agriculture. As the focus shifts from ambition to implementation, key questions remain about how to tangibly implement food systems change. Yet many of the necessary building blocks have already been identified and trialed through research-for-development projects. The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research will share what we have learned about implementing food systems change in a context of climate change, showcasing a panel of speakers from partnerships we have supported in Africa and in the Pacific. Young scholars from the Pacific will prompt us to be honest and ambitious, leading us in an open discussion about how we can all accelerate the implementation of food systems change.


Essam Yassin Mohammed

WorldFish Interim Director General & CGIAR Acting Senior Director of Aquatic Food Systems

Njongenhle Nyoni

Capacity Strengthening Manager, FANRPAN

Catherine Muthuri

Kenya Country Director, and Regional Convener for East Africa, CIFOR-ICRAF

George Carter

Research Fellow, Geopolitics and Regionalism, Department of Pacific Affairs, ANU

Veronica Doerr

Research Program Manager for Climate Change, ACIAR

Christian-Yves Amato-Ali

Climate Change Masters of Science Candidate, University of the South Pacific (USP)

Salote Nasalo

Climate Change Masters of Science Candidate, University of the South Pacific (USP)

Fiona Simson

President, Australia’s National Farmers Federation