Commonwealth Pavilion

Transparency in agriculture: can we align country adaptation reporting efforts under the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2030?

In 2015, the Paris Agreement (PA) and Agenda 2030 were adopted to shape the global response to climate change and sustainable development. This event aims to demonstrate, and interactively discuss, the potential alignment of reporting on adaptation under the PA Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The event seeks to find synergies for potential harmonized and consistent reporting of the two agendas. It will provide:

  • an overview of how the SDG indicators, under FAO custodianship, can inform the different elements of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) and relevant sections of the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), and
  • examples from a number of Commonwealth developing countries (Cambodia, Malawi, Rwanda, Namibia, and others) of how monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks for nationally determined contributions (NDCs) can be aligned with SDG indicators.

The event will offer a space for reflection on how SDG indicators can be incorporated into country-specific adaptation M&E systems.

