CIFOR-ICRAF aborda retos y oportunidades locales y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece soluciones a los problemas globales relacionados con los bosques, los paisajes, las personas y el planeta.

Aportamos evidencia empírica y soluciones prácticas para transformar el uso de la tierra y la producción de alimentos: conservando y restaurando ecosistemas, respondiendo a las crisis globales del clima, la malnutrición, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la desertificación. En resumen, mejorando la vida de las personas.

CIFOR-ICRAF produce cada año más de 750 publicaciones sobre agroforestería, bosques y cambio climático, restauración de paisajes, derechos, políticas forestales y mucho más, y en varios idiomas. .

CIFOR-ICRAF aborda retos y oportunidades locales y, al mismo tiempo, ofrece soluciones a los problemas globales relacionados con los bosques, los paisajes, las personas y el planeta.

Aportamos evidencia empírica y soluciones prácticas para transformar el uso de la tierra y la producción de alimentos: conservando y restaurando ecosistemas, respondiendo a las crisis globales del clima, la malnutrición, la pérdida de biodiversidad y la desertificación. En resumen, mejorando la vida de las personas.

CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

CIFOR–ICRAF addresses local challenges and opportunities while providing solutions to global problems for forests, landscapes, people and the planet.

We deliver actionable evidence and solutions to transform how land is used and how food is produced: conserving and restoring ecosystems, responding to the global climate, malnutrition, biodiversity and desertification crises. In short, improving people’s lives.


Coastal Zone Rehabilitation for Low Carbon Development

Coastal Zone Rehabilitation for Low Carbon Development

31 March 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 GMT+7

Low Carbon Development (LCD) is a new development paradigm in Indonesia for maintaining economic and social growth through low-emission development initiatives and minimizing over-exploitation of natural resources. LCD activities are manifested through all development sectors for the sustainability of planet Earth to avoid climate change impacts caused by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs).

Indonesia’s commitment to reducing GHG emissions is stated in its Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) document submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in July 2021. Indonesia has committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 29% unconditionally and 41% conditionally (with international support) against a business-as-usual (BAU) scenario by 2030. As stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 98/2021, the implementation of emission reductions with a national baseline of 2,869 million tons of CO2e can be conducted nationally, sub-nationally and cross-sectorally.

Coastal wetland ecosystems, especially mangroves, have great potential as a nature-based climate solution (NbCS). In collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves), the Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI) and its autonomous body the Indonesian Academy of Young Scientists (ALMI), the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) will highlight this issue through a webinar entitled Coastal Zone Rehabilitation for Low Carbon Development. This webinar is supported by Conservation International and the German Government’s Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) as partners of the Government of Indonesia (Bappenas) in helping the country achieve its LCD objectives.


With a broad scope, this webinar will involve multiple stakeholders with the objectives of:

  • facilitating dialogue between sectors and stakeholders concerned about climate change threats, low-carbon development and coastal area management;
  • exchanging ideas on directions and strategies for sustainable coastal area management in line with national climate change mitigation and adaptation agendas;
  • integrating opinions based on strong scientific evidence to answer challenges and opportunities for coastal areas and communities vulnerable to climate change.

Expected outputs:

Expected outputs from the webinar are white papers on:

  • a national strategy for sustainable mangrove management;
  • provincial-level climate change mitigation for provinces with mangrove ecosystems;
  • integration of coastal areas into climate change adaptation policies through NDC integration.

Contact person:

The webinar will be held bilingually in Indonesian and English.

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