Backing biodiversity: Financing forests & trees
Backing biodiversity: Financing forests & trees
21 Oct – 1 Nov 2024, Cali, ColombiaInclusive pathways: Sharing insights on rights-based approaches for synergistic biodiversity and climate action
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF) and the Paris Agreement recognize the importance of respecting, protecting and fulfilling rights with regard to biodiversity and climate action. Rights-based approaches seek to ensure that actions, policies and projects consider the potential impacts on different groups of people (right-holders) and ensure the effective enjoyment of human rights and a healthy environment for all. Adopting a rights-based approach for biodiversity and climate action involves identifying power dynamics, intersectionality, inequalities and discrimination, as well as providing transparency and strong accountability through monitoring, evaluation and reporting.
This event will highlight work that is being implemented by diverse actors that surfaces locally-led approaches for addressing people-centred climate and biodiversity action. The event seeks to deepen the conversation on synergies between the Rio conventions through speakers sharing their insights on good practices for monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning linked to this work, and highlighting innovative finance mechanisms that can amplify and scale impacts in support of the 2050 Vision for Living in Harmony with Nature.
- Ashanapuri Hertz, Programme Officer, Swedbio
- Ameil Harikushun, Finance for Resilience Lead, CDKN and GA for LLA
- Peter Bulimo, Inuka Project coordinator, Youth4Nature
- Representative of the Human Rights and Biodiversity Working Group (tbc)
- Women4Biodiversity (tbc)
- James Mema, The Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation (IMPACT)