European Pavilion
Why nature-based solutions are crucial for climate and resilience
Hosted by Global Gender and Climate Alliance
Nature-based solutions are increasingly recognised for their contributions to climate change adaptation and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, and resilience-building.
This session, hosted at the EU Pavilion at COP26, will present concrete, field-based experience from the European Union Global Climate Change Alliance Plus (GCCA+) and partners. It will explore evidence and experiences of what nature-based solutions – notably restoration and Sustainable Integrated Land Management – bring in terms of climate, environmental, economic and social benefits, and to whom.
The session will cover:
- nature-based solutions and why they are an important element of addressing climate change;
- examples of what nature-based solutions can offer to communities and ecosystems, and the ways in which environmental, economic and social benefits are interdependent;
- data and testimonies on the numerous co-benefits of using nature-based solutions, including disaster risk reduction, economic wealth, public health benefits, carbon finance and more; and,
- realistic solutions and opportunities for national and local authorities to include nature-based solutions in their climate action.