Key messages
- Through a strong partnership with an association of district government, Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (the Sustainable Districts Association, or LTKL), and earlier efforts to showcase the sustainability progress of subnational jurisdictions, CIFOR has continued its work on jurisdictional approaches to low-emission rural development in Indonesian districts.
- The CIFOR-LTKL partnership began in 2019 but has already yielded results, like contributions to a jurisdictional approach concept note that has now been integrated into Indonesia’s national development planning document, as well as the creation of the first ever district-level jurisdictional profile (in Sintang District, West Kalimantan), launched at the 2020 Global Landscapes Forum.
- Together with LTKL, CIFOR co-designed the questionnaire and data collection techniques for Kerangka Daya Saing Daerah (Regional Competitiveness Framework, or KDSD), a monitoring and reporting system developed by LTKL Secretariat and its member districts to measure districts’ progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). CIFOR also developed training and implementation guidelines for KDSD.
- The jurisdictional approach is scaling up, with more LTKL member districts showing interest in implementing the KDSD and in creating a jurisdictional profile.
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Nofyanza, S.; Peteru, S.; Thürer, T.; Duchelle, A.E.
Palabras clave
national planning, development policy, climate change, mitigation, local government, monitoring