- ~19% of the department is within the National System of Protected Areas
- Located in Andes-Amazon region, with wide ecological & cultural diversity
- Trinational region borders both Ecuador & Peru, complicating governance of environmental issues in shared Putumayo River basin
- Highest number of green business initiatives of any jurisdiction within the Corporation for Sustainable Development in the Southern Amazon (Corpoamazonia, environmental authority of the region) such as ecotourism & the use of non-timber forest products (NTFPs, e.g., açai) for export to the USA & Europe
- Expansion of the mining industry at the national level discourages rural business development & threatens indigenous territories, & lack of subnational conservation policies exacerbates vulnerability to impacts of extractivism
- 14% indigenous population; 55 indigenous territories cover ~8% of the department
Año de publicación
Monroy, K.; David, O.; Fernández Muñoz, M.A.
Palabras clave
deforestation, livelihoods, sustainable development, policy, climate change