The African Highlands Initiative (AHI) was started in 1995 toaddress complex livelihoods and integrated natural resourcesmanagement (INRM) issues. Endorsed by the directors ofnational agricultural research institutions (NARIs) institutions,AHI set out to develop participatory research methodologies(PRMs) and integrated, systems approaches as ‘new’ ways ofimplementing research and development (R&D) processes.This work aims to empower smallholder farmers, foster inno-vative development, and positively influence practices used byR&D organisations. The NARIs of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania,Ethiopia, and Madagascar, together with agricultural exten-sion personnel and a number of local NGOs, work collabora-tively under the AHI umbrella at benchmark sites that exhibitenvironmental degradation and high poverty levels.
Año de publicación
Opondo C J; Stroud A; German, L.; Hagmann J
Palabras clave
community involvement, research, research institutions, technology, research, soil fertility
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda