Agroforestry is not a new system in North Sumatra, in fact it has long been practiced. Besides from paddy ricefield, agroforestry in Tapanuli which is also known locally as kebun pocal, North Sumatra is important source of livelihood. Farmers in Tapanuli has developed several agroforestry systems based on the main products they used for source of livelihood. Through rapid assessment that we conducted in the area, we identified dominant agroforestry systems in Tapanuli are rubber agroforestry, coffee agroforestry, benzoin agroforestry and fruit agroforestry (mainly durian). In ge neral, the size for an agroforest ranges from 0,5 to 4 ha. Income that farmers can obtain from their agroforest varied based on the products they harvest; i.e. a) weekly income from rubber; b) monthly income from cacao, benzoin and parkia; c) six monthly income from coffee; d) yearly income from durian, archidendon and mangosteen. Profitability analysis through Net Present Value (NPV) of those agroforestry systems showed that NPV of coffee agroforest is Rp 9.309.000/ha or equals to 1.000 USD/ha. Rubber agroforest has NPV with the amount of Rp 7.327.000/ha or 787 USD/ha, while benzoin agroforest has NPV with Rp 4.586.000/ha or 434 USD/ha. Thus, to ensure the sustainability of agroforestry contribution to the local livelihood, it is important the agroforestry to be integrated with other landuse system in the landscape Data type: household survey in some agroforestry systems in Tapanuli, North Sumatra. It is part of study on ÃÂSumatran orangutan habitat ecosystem services assessment and ooportunity cost analysis
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