The LDSF was carried out at three-100 km2 sites within the Western Amazon Sentinel Landscape. Madre de Dios and Ucayali in Peru, and Pando in Bolivia. Field teams were trained by Norvin Sepulveda (CATIE, Nicaragua- Honduras SL) and Noel Ulloa in August 2014. Field surveys were completed in July 2015. The LDSF is a spatially stratified, randomized sampling design, developed to provide a biophysical baseline at landscape level and a monitoring and evaluation framework for assessing processes of land degradation and effectiveness of rehabilitation measures over time. Measured variables include: land cover, tree and shrub densities, tree biodiversity, erosion prevalence, infiltration capacity, along with an assessment of impact to habitat and occurrence of soil conservation structures. Soil samples were also collected (320 top (0-20 cm) and sub (20-50 cm) soil samples per site) and were processed in Managua. Processed samples were shipped to Nairobi and subjected to infrared spectroscopy and wet chemistry analysis. These combined data sets will be used to assess soil and ecosystem health for the landscape in more detail.
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