Share this to Read more Publication 2007 Fuel and fire characteristics in a savanna-woodland of West Africa in relation to grazing and dominant grass type Publication 2007 Community fire use, resource change, and livelihood impacts: the downward spiral in the wetlands of southern Sumatra Publication 2007 Local to global perspectives on forest and land fires in Southeast Asia Publication 2007 Southeast Asian fire regimes and land development policy Publication 2006 Transboundary perspectives on managing Indonesia’s fires Publication 2006 Slash and burn and fires in Indonesia: a comment Publication 2006 Report of Regional Kick-off Meeting of TroFCCA Southeast Asia on mainstreaming adaptation to climate change into the development agenda: policy and scientific challenges held in Bogor, Indonesia, 29-30 May 2006: Adaptation to the recurrence of forest fires and their risks under the influence of climate change and climate variability Publication 2006 Livelihoods, fire and policy in eastern Indonesia Publication 2006 Impacts of land use and fire on the loss and degradation of lowland forest in 1983-2000 in East Kutai District, East Kalimantan, Indonesia Publication 2006 Causal explanation of Indonesian forest fires: concepts, applications, and research priorities Publication 2005 Fire behaviour in a semi-arid Baikiaea plurijuga savanna woodland on Kalahari sands in western Zimbabwe Publication 2005 The stratigraphy and fire history of the Kutai peatlands, Kalimantan, Indonesia Publication 2005 Differential responses of Bolivian timber species to prescribed fire and other gap treatments Publication 2005 Fire, livelihoods, and environmental change in the middle Mahakam peatlands, East Kalimantan Publication 2005 Drought, fire and tree survival in a Borneo rain forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesia « Previous 1 … 12 13 14 15 16 Next »