Publication 2004 Kebakaran, mata pencaharian, dan kerusakan lingkungan pada lahan basah di Indonesia: lingkaran yang tiada berujung pangkal Publication 2004 Kebakaran di lahan rawa/gambut di Sumatera: masalah dan solusi: prosiding semiloka, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 10 – 11 Desember 2003 Publication 2004 Pengelolaan api, perubahan sumberdaya alam dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat di areal rawa/gambut-Sumatera bagian selatan Publication 2004 Potential of biomass transfer technologies in sustaining vegetable production in the wetlands (Dambos) of eastern Zambia Publication 2004 Ringkasan hasil semiloka: kebakaran di lahan rawa/gambut di Sumatera: masalah dan solusi: prosiding semiloka, Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, 10 – 11 Desember 2003 Publication 2004 Fire, livelihoods and environmental degradation in the wetlands of Indonesia: a vicious cycle Publication 2003 Hydrology and the management of watersheds Publication 2002 Improved land management in the Lake Victoria basin: annual technical report July 2001 to June 2002 Publication 2002 Fire use, peatland transformation and local livelihoods: a case of positive reinforcement Publication 2001 Deforestation and economics in Ecuador: a synthesis Publication 2001 Ecuador goes bananas: incremental technological change and forest loss Publication 2000 Natural resource use, constraints and possible interventions: the case for Ombaka wetlands focal area in Nyando district Publication 1998 Les peuplements d’Okoumes eclaircis au Gabon Publication 1998 Forest structure and regeneration process of peat swamp Alan forests (Shorea albida) in Brunei Darussalam Publication 1994 Fruitcrops in the cashew-coconut system of Kenya: their use, management and agroforestry potential « Previous 1 … 18 19 20 21 Next »