Forgotten food crops in sub-Saharan Africa for healthy diets in a changing climate
From Reach to Transformation: Leveraging the RBET Framework to Secure Women’s Land and Resource Rights
Guidelines for assessing and developing the tree seed and seedling sector
The success of a national agroforestry policy in India has become a model for other countries
The enduring world forest carbon sink
The Global Biodiversity Standard: Manual for assessment and best practices
Refining greenhouse gas emission factors for Indonesian peatlands and mangroves to meet ambitious climate targets
Wildlife and people in the Rupununi: A comprehensive assessment based on science and local knowledge
CIFOR-ICRAF in Kenya: An evolving collaboration
Explainer: How trees help protect us from flooding
Call to conservation community: Stop using 80% figure to quantify biodiversity in Indigenous People’s territories
Stepping up for a haze-free Southeast Asia
How Latin America can lead on climate, biodiversity & the circular economy
Renewable energy from charcoal: A response to the challenge
Mining in the Congo rainforest causes more deforestation than previously assumed
Tigers, crocodiles, rising tides: Fieldwork in the largest mangrove forest on Earth
As cocoa prices soar, why are the benefits so unbalanced?
Five key takeaways from UNCBD COP16 in Cali, Colombia
Impact report 2023: Altering course
Trees: Green heroes of the triple crisis
Capturing carbon markets
Blue carbon: Why we’re counting on coastal ecosystems
Restoring Africa’s landscapes: All eyes on African regreening initiatives
It starts with seeds: Seeding diverse, productive ecosystems and economies
The true failure of global environmental protection: When national interests trump collective action
Learning outside the classroom: Closer perspectives on gender and development research
A forest is so much more than just its trees
Investing in soils can put countries on a path to land degradation neutrality
From promise to reality: The uneven impacts of REDD+
Community forest stewards: Managers, not labourers
Innovation in forestry: Where it’s happening, why it matters
A year of hope and hardship for the world’s forests
Sustainable development goals hinge on tapping women’s full potential
In the media
More women are thriving in science – does that mean attitudes have changed?
Smallholders offer mixed reactions to calls for delay in EU deforestation law
How scientists debunked one of conservation’s most influential statistics
Study: REDD+ doesn’t work without Indigenous Peoples, but fails to engage them
Almost 20 years after the tsunami, Andaman’s mangroves are still changing
The future of forest carbon credits and voluntary markets
Regreening Africa a flagship for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
How it works: CIFOR-ICRAF’s tree seed lab
Trees: Nature’s champions of resilience and regeneration
Spatial data for effective tree planting and land restoration
Science and forestry policy: Bridging the gap
Éliane Ubalijoro – Key highlights from CIFOR-ICRAF at #COP16Riyadh
Daniel Murdiyarso on harnessing coastal wetland ecosystem services beyond carbon
Highlights from UNCBD COP16: The role, challenges, and solutions surrounding trade and biodiversity
Agroforestry in Timor Leste
Holding back the desert: CIFOR-ICRAF at UNCCD COP16
Trees, forests & climate: CIFOR-ICRAF at COP29
Backing biodiversity: Financing forests & trees – CIFOR-ICRAF at UNCBD COP16
Forests & people: CIFOR-ICRAF at IUFRO 2024
Hamburg Sustainability Conference
What is the state of Central African Forests?
Sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6)
GLF Africa 2024 Hybrid Conference: Greening the African Horizon
GLF Peatlands 2024 Hybrid Conference: The climate solution we forgot
In Depth
New Centre of Excellence promotes environmental conservation and climate-smart action in Eastern and Southern Africa
Based in Nairobi, the Regional Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity, Forests, and Seascape Ecosystems Management in Eastern and Southern Africa eeks to offer critical information on the status of the region’s forests, grasslands and aquatic ecosystems, as well as its rich biodiversity.
Read moreSouth Sumatran villagers opt for the riches of mangrove restoration
The Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART) project is a Participatory Action Research based venture implemented by CIFOR-ICRAF in partnership with the Temasek Foundation, alongside Sriwijaya University and the South Sumatra Watershed Forum that aims to help build viable local businesses while protecting and restoring forests.
Read moreGuyanese conservation hero Leroy Ignacio wins ‘Green Oscar’
A local wildlife expert and Indigenous Makushi man accompanied scientists on a research trip to confirm songbird species’ presence within the biome, benefitting the region’s communities and ecosystems. In May he received the prestigious international Whitley Award – in the shape of a ‘Green Oscar’.
Read moreA journey across the world’s largest rainforests
As part of our coverage of the 26th IUFRO World Congress, this In Depth story takes you on a journey across the world’s three largest rainforests to explore what they mean for people and the planet; their state; and how they can be sustainably managed for present and future generations.
Read moreProof of concept: The landscape approach yields results in DRC
What started 17 years ago as a capacity-strengthening project has evolved into an intricate web of activities co-designed with local communities to develop sustainable forest- and tree-based bioeconomies. The Yangambi Engagement Landscape is demonstrating what it takes to achieve landscape-level impact.
Read moreRattan rising
Indonesia is the world’s largest rattan producer, accounting for 70 percent of total recorded production and home to more than 300 species, although only a handful have commercial value. How should the country manage its burgeoning domestic rattan trade for livelihoods and forests?
Read more