In 2021, CIFOR-ICRAF gender specialists synthesized years of research findings into an array of knowledge products and shared their insights with both local and global communities.
Roadmaps to gender and social inclusion is a digital toolbox developed in partnership with CGIAR Research Programs on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) and on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM). This rich online portal links to various resources designed to support gender-responsive and gender-transformative activities, including a course to build a core group of women and men tenure champions, a book on adaptive collaborative management in forest landscapes, report on masculinities in forests, a brief summarizing FTA’s decade-long journey to advance gender equality in forest and tree landscapes, and links to strategy documents and key knowledge hubs.
Our work with FTA led to the online course Gender and inclusion in Forest Landscape Restoration as well as an infographic and brief to support the finalization of the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Gender Plan of Action in the lead up to COP 15.
Getting it right is a how-to guide for multistakeholder forum organizers to facilitate inclusion of women and Indigenous Peoples, developed in partnership with PIM. Our work in this area led to a new collaboration with the World Bank to design a strategy for gender and social inclusion in results-based carbon finance.
Our online presence was as robust as ever, with lively podcasts and online events. Over 400 people joined a session at GLF Amazonia featuring research on gender-inclusive initiatives supportedby the World Bank-led Amazon Sustainable Landscapes Program in Brazil, Colombia and Peru.
Finally, the Global Initiative for Gender Transformative Approaches is a new three-year project that aims to promote and strengthen women’s land rights in the International Fund for Agricultural Development’s rural development interventions.
Adaptive collaborative management in forest landscapes: Villagers, bureaucrats and civil society.“The year 2021 provided an opportunity to consolidate and reflect on many years of work on gender, and demonstrates our team’s enormous growth from studying gender to supporting transformation.”
Anne Larson
Team Leader, Governance, equity and well-being