Incubated by CIFOR-ICRAF with a mission to catalyse investments in nature-based solutions from the private sector and financial institutions, Resilient Landscapes delivers results-driven action across all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
2021 project snapshots
Land restoration and bioenergy production in Serbia
A landscape transformation program in Vojvodina aims to restore the links between the demand for woody biomass and existing resources and local economic networks in the agricultural landscape, while simultaneously regenerating vital landscape functions. During COP26 in Glasgow, a special event was organized by CIFOR-ICRAF, Resilient Landscapes and E3 International, to showcase the Serbia project focusing on the growth of energy crops. After a successful first trial period, the objective is to expand the initiative further.
Oil palm agroforestry to restore soils and biodiversity in Brazil
The project will scale up an innovative way of producing palm oil – in association with other tree crops like cocoa, açai, timber trees and non-timber like pepper – based on a CIFOR-ICRAF agroforestry experiment implemented over more than 10 years across 60 hectares. Resilient Landscapes is working with CIFOR-ICRAF Brazil from project design to fundraising in order to build a phased growth of the project, its stakeholders and its processes.
Forestry in Papua New Guinea
Endorsed by the Governor of the Oro Province, Gary Juffa, and the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, the Honourable James Marape, the project is designed together with the Papua New Guinea government, local partners and local communities. The project aims to empower the 150 clans and 22,000 households living in the Managalas protected forest to leverage carbon financing at premium offset prices, develop sustainable supply chains that maintain the forest’s natural capital and support local communities through sustainable timber production, tree-crop commodities, diversified agricultural systems, enhanced value chains and value webs, and ecosystem services. A high-level meeting was organized at the UN climate conference to present a business case for the Managalas as an ideal case for forest habitat protection, provision of ecosystems services and sustainable and remunerative community stewardship of forests.