A pathway to a viable world

Transforming lives and landscapes with trees

Agroforestry is the ‘future of global land use’. With continuing pressure on natural forests, agroforestry is increasingly stepping in to provide not only agricultural products but many of the ecosystem functions provided by forests, but on agricultural land. More than simply ‘agriculture with trees’, agroforestry is an agroecological approach that involves farmers, livestock, trees and forests from household through to landscape scales.

With 40% of the world’s land degraded to one degree or another, agroforestry is leading the race to restore healthy functions. Trees bring nutrients to weary soils, provide habitat for the microorganisms that manage the nutrients, manage the watertable with their roots and provide shade, food, fuel, materials and income for farmers.

Learn more about how CIFOR-ICRAF’s approach addresses the complex interactions between people and ecological systems through a holistic systems approach.

5th World Congress on Agroforestry

Transitioning to a viable world

17- 20
July 2022


Our research, projects and impact on the ground


Regreening Africa

World Agroforestry |

Agroforestry Concessions


Nutri-scapes: transforming broken food systems through trees and forests


SMART: Agroforestry in San Martin, Peru: Better decisions through co-learning and shared knowledge

World Agroforestry |

Market-based Agroforestry: Potential for Improved Livelihoods, Sustainable Development and Resilience in Smallholder Farming on Sloping Land in the Montane Areas of Mainland Southeast Asia


Asset based community development

World Agroforestry |

Fruit Trees for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in East Africa

World Agroforestry |

Food Trees for Diversified Diets and Improved Nutrition and Better Livehihoods for Smallholders in East Africa

World Agroforestry |

Sustainable Biochar production through Agroforestry Systems and its Application: a Climate-Reslient Soil Management Approach

World Agroforestry |

Harnessing the potential of trees-on-farms for meeting national and global biodiversity targets