Displaying page 20 of 20 Display 20 40 60 Sort Descending date Ascending date Descending title Ascending title Publication 1998 Global change and multi-species agroecosystems: Concepts and issues Publication 1998 Assembling the elements for realistic buffer-zone resource management plan. Final report of phase 1 (1994 to 1997) Publication 1997 Agricultural intensification, soil biodiversity and agroecosystem function Publication 1997 The agroforest alternative to imperata grasslands: when smallholder agriculture and forestry reach sustainability Publication 1997 Agronomic and economic evaluation of Tilemsi phosphate rock in different agro ecological zones of Mali. Publication 1997 Modelling complex agro-ecosystems under global change: workshop summary report Publication 1996 Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn: report of the meeting of the 5th global steering group Publication 1996 Biodiversity and agroecosystem function Publication 1995 Historical land use evolution in a tropical acid upland agroecosystem Publication 1994 Soil fertility research in response to the demand for sustainability Publication 1991 Nitrogen release from the leaves of some tropical legumes as affected by their lignin and polyphenolic contents « Previous 1 … 18 19 20