Displaying page 17 of 20 Display 20 40 60 Sort Descending date Ascending date Descending title Ascending title Publication 2011 The social and environmental impacts of biofuel feedstock cultivation: Evidence from multi-site research in the forest frontier Publication 2010 Green water credit scheme as a policy tool for managing water for sustainable agriculture: an ex-ante assessment in Malawi Publication 2009 Shangri-La workshop 2009: workshop synthesis – final report Publication 2008 Logistic modelling of smallholder livestock farmers’ adoption of tree-based fodder technology in Zimbabwe Publication 2007 User acceptability of sustainable soil fertility technologies: lessons from farmers’ knowledge, attitude and practice in Southern Africa Publication 2007 Adoption of renewable soil fertility replenishment technologies in the Southern African region: lessons learnt and the way forward Publication 2007 A REDD Pilot: Avoided Deforestation and Development of Tree-Based Livelihoods with Sustainable Benefits in the Paguyaman Watershed in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia. Yayasan Adudu Nantu International (YANI) – Provincial Government Gorontalo Publication 2007 It took 12 cops to realize that 20 is more than 0.01: avoided deforestation post-Kyoto Publication 2006 In search of substance: ‘state of the art’ of approaches, strategies and methods for improving natural resource management and livelihoods Publication 2006 Patterns of species richness at varying scales in western Kenya: planning for agroecosystem diversification Publication 2006 Intensifikasi pertanian, biodiversitas tanah dan fungsi agro-ekosistem Publication 2005 Opportunities for linking adaptation and mitigation in agroforestry systems Publication 2004 Domestication of indigenous fruits and trees Publication 2004 Potential of improved tropical legume fallows and zero tillage practices for soil organic carbon sequestration Publication 2004 Soil-atmosphere gas exchange in tropical agriculture: contributions to climate change Publication 2004 Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes—are we asking the right questions? Publication 2004 Pengembangan aplikasi basis data dan metadatabase di World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Publication 2004 Uptake, partitioning and redistribution of water by roots in mixed-species agroecosystems Publication 2004 Forest and agroecosystem tradeoffs in the Humid Tropics : a crosscutting assessment by the Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Consortium (ASB) conducted as a Sub-Global Component of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Publication 2004 Soil and water movement: combining local ecological knowledge with that of modellers when scalling up from plot to landscape level « Previous 1 … 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next »