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India Mangrove Conclave (IMC)–2024

Mangrove ecosystems of India: Science, policy and practice for sustainable management
jointly organised by NCCR and CIFOR

Mangrove ecosystems’ important roles in coastal protection, sustainable livelihoods and biodiversity conservation have become essential as climate change negatively impacts vulnerable coastal communities. Understanding the interconnectedness of these unique socioecological systems and identifying useful principles to aid mangrove management and protection are essential for sustaining the human populations and biodiversity that depend on India’s mangrove ecosystems.

A greater understanding of mangrove ecosystem services, carbon sequestration benefits, biodiversity conservation and enhanced resilience is essential for India’s coastal sustainability, including the well-being of vulnerable communities. Equally important is the availability of sound scientific information for planning and implementing successful mangrove restoration. Adopting scientific methodologies and monitoring techniques using advanced technical tools can inform and improve mangrove management as adequate site-specific datasets can be developed. Setting up regular mangrove monitoring efforts allows relevant stakeholders and managers to keep a check on the overall ecological health of a system, and to take appropriate action when problems arise.

The vision for this India Mangrove Conclave (IMC) is to make mangrove science, research and best practices readily available and accessible to managers and other stakeholders to ensure sustainability and resilience of these ecosystems for the benefit of society.

The proposed conference will convene voices and perspectives from different stakeholders connected to India’s mangrove ecosystems. It will provide a platform for exchange of knowledge in discussing challenges and drivers of mangrove loss in India and best practices on mangrove conservation; examining how scientific research can be applied to improve mangrove ecosystem functions and enhance benefits for local communities. By highlighting India’s national mangrove research progress, this conference aims to catalyse multi-institutional collaboration to enhance mangrove research and promote practices leading to improved coastal ecosystem sustainability within India. This gathering will foster linkages between India’s scientific research community, practitioners, managers and coastal communities, as well as coastal industry and tourism sectors, including government and non-government entities. The conference will strive to develop an outline for a broad roadmap for integrated and holistic sustainability of Indian coasts based on scientific evidence and best practices.

Goal and objectives

The conference goal is to convene researchers, practitioners and stakeholders from the country’s mangrove ecosystems for a knowledge exchange to identify opportunities for improving coastal sustainability. Sessions will broadly cover topics around livelihoods, biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation, vulnerability and adaptation, and ecological restoration in the context of mangroves. The objectives of these sessions will be to:

  • Develop an outline to produce a practical guide that empowers mangrove managers to utilize the latest scientific research and best practices for enhancing coastal resilience and improved management;
  • Facilitate discussions and knowledge exchange on mangroves as nature-based climate solutions and the potential to attract blue carbon finance;
  • Reach a consensus to develop/constitute a National Mangrove Centre to act as a repository of available knowledge, scientific and practical understanding of the country’s various mangrove ecosystems, and for providing needed advice/guidance to tackle issues related to better management of mangroves across the country.

Conference themes

Mangrove ecosystems: Scientific research and best practices

  • Mangrove ecology: Advances and gaps in the Indian setting
  • Risks to existing mangroves (losses and gains) including efforts to address such challenges
  • In-situ and remote sensing monitoring for decision support
  • Innovative monitoring and management approaches
  • Traditional knowledge and community-based conservation

Mangroves for adaptation, biodiversity and human well-being

  • Biodiversity and ecosystem services of mangroves
  • Sustainable coastal management and ecosystem-based adaptation
  • Nature-based solutions for coastal resilience
  • Mangrove restoration and potential for climate mitigation and adaptation
  • Leveraging institutional setups for collaborative and holistic management
  • Information and knowledge management for greater effectiveness and impacts 

Call for abstracts

We invite early career researchers, young scientists, policymakers, practitioners and community members to submit abstracts on innovative research, case studies and practical experiences related to mangrove ecosystems.  Submissions addressing novel approaches, interdisciplinary collaborations, or comparative studies across regions are highly encouraged in the specified themes and sub-themes of the conference.

Abstract submission Submission guidelines

Abstract submission deadline: 28 October 2024.

Notification of acceptance: 10 November 2024.

Contact: Rupesh K. Bhomia (CIFOR-ICRAF) and Uma Sankar Panda (NCCR); Email:


To be announced soon.
