Alexandre Meybeck is a senior consultant in the office of the Director of Programs and Platforms at CIFOR-ICRAF. He was Senior Technical Advisor for the CGIAR research program on forests, trees, and agroforestry (FTA) from 2018 to 2021, and Senior Adviser to the Assistant Director General of Agriculture and Consumer Protection at the FAO from 2010 to 2018. Previously, he served in the French Ministry of Agriculture, including as Head of the Office of Environmental Strategy and Climate Change; Head of the Office of Environment and Management of Rural Areas; Coordinator for the Orientation of Agriculture Law; official in charge of agroenvironmental measures; Deputy Head of the Office of Horse Breeding and Riding; and Deputy Head of the Breeding Division of French National Studs. He has authored and coauthored more than a hundred publications on climate change and agriculture, sustainable food systems, sustainable diets, contributions of forests and trees to sustainable development, and related topics.