
CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

CIFOR–ICRAF addresses local challenges and opportunities while providing solutions to global problems for forests, landscapes, people and the planet.

We deliver actionable evidence and solutions to transform how land is used and how food is produced: conserving and restoring ecosystems, responding to the global climate, malnutrition, biodiversity and desertification crises. In short, improving people’s lives.

Kumar Tumuluru

Director of Corporate Services

Kumar Tumuluru has over two decades of experience with the private sector and international research organizations. He holds a Bachelor’s in Technology and a Master’s in Business Administration. Kumar worked with Ernst and Young and Nagarjuna Fertilizers in India, early on in his career. For the last two decades he has worked in various capacities in CGIAR centres – starting with ILRI in Nairobi and IFPRI in Addis Ababa. He joined CIFOR in 2008 as the Director, Finance and Administration. Kumar now leads the Corporate Services function, managing the finance, human resources, programme management, legal, information systems and technology, and administration functions for CIFOR-ICRAF.