Revised edition, 23 April 2024. Stabilizing the climate will require a radical shift in greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors of the economy, including transport, energy, industry and food systems. While urgently needed, this transition is also associated with higher costs to replace high-emitting productive capital and technologies with green alternatives. Investing in forests and trees represents one way for companies to decarbonize even faster.
The Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) is ready to support companies willing to engage in net zero and to use carbon markets to accelerate their transition, particularly from the land use sector: food, agriculture and forestry. This brief outlines the wealth of expertise that CIFOR-ICRAF offers to companies that want to invest the right land carbon projects at the right place for the right purposes, with the right safeguards and benefits for all. This includes experience in carbon financing, carbon project design, stakeholder consultation, policy alignment, carbon accounting methodology, landscape risk management, carbon project execution, carbon project monitoring, and non-carbon impact monitoring.
Updated with a clarification on the estimated value of global and voluntary carbon markets.
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carbon, greenhouse gases, emissions, economic impact, trees, landscape conservation