The following manuscripts were either developed directly as part of the BNPP-FVOB project, as part of related activities of ICRAF-Southeast Asia, or were presented at a symposium session on ‘Tropical land use change and impacts on watershed functions’ that was co-organized as part of the project.1. Hundred Years of Debate on Forests and Water in Indonesia [223Kb]: Abstracts on hydrology, erosion and soil conservation from the “Bibliography of Soil Science in Indonesia 1890-1963”2. Two chapters in the forthcoming book “Belowground Interacrtions in Tropical Agroecosystems”, M. van Noordwijk, G. Cadisch and C.K. Ong (Eds.) CAB International, Wallingford, UK (in press) 2A Chapter 18: Managing movements of water, solutes and soil: from plot to landscape scale by Simone B.L. Ranieri, Richard Stirzaker, Didik Suprayogo, Edi Purwanto, Peter de Willigen and Meine van Noordwijk 2B Chapter 19: Soil and water movement: combining local ecological knowledge with that of modellers when scaling up from plot to landscape level by Laxman Joshi, Wim Schalenbourg, Linda Johansson, Ni’matul Khasanah, Endy Stefanus, Minh Ha Fagerström and Meine van Noordwijk3. Excerpts from the proceedings of the 2003 MODSIM Conference, Townsville (Australia) July 2003. D. Post (Ed.) 3A Verbist, B.J.P., Widayati, A. van Noordwijk, M., 2003. The link between land and water prediction of sediment point sources in a previous forested watershed in Lampung, Sumatra – Indonesia. 3B Manik, T.M. and Sidle, R.C., 2003. Rainfall spatial distribution in Sumber Jaya watershed, Lampung, Indonesia. 3C Van Noordwijk, M, Farida, A., Suyamto, D., Lusiana, B. and Khasanah, N., 2003. Spatial variability of rainfall governs river flow and reduces effects of land use change at landscape scale: GenRiver and SpatRain simulations. 3D Suprayogo, D., Widianto, Cadish, G. and van Noordwijk, M., 2003. A Pedotransfer resource database (PTFRDB) for tropical soils : test with the water balance of WaNuLCAS. 3E Sidle, R.C. and Dhakal, A.S., 2003. Recent advances in the spatial and temporal modeling of shallow landslides. 3F Suyamto, D., van Noordwijk, M. and Lusiana, B., 2003. FALLOW model: assessment tool for landscape level impact of farmer land use choice.4. Spatial variability of soil pH and phosphorus in relation to soil run-off following slash and-burn land clearing in Sumatra, Indonesia. [542Kb] By: Rodenburg, J., Stein, A., Van Noordwijk, M. and Ketterings, Q.M., 2003. Soil Tillage Research 71: 1-14.5. Agroforestry and watershed functions of tropical land use mosaics by Meine van Noordwijk, Ai Farida and Bruno Verbist and Tom P. Tomich [494Kb](Proceedings 2nd Asia Pacific Training Workshop on Ecohydrology "Integrating Ecohydrology and Phytotechnology into Workplans of Government, Private, and Multinational companies" Cibinong, West Java, INDONESIA. 21 - 26 July 2003)6. Environmental services and land use change in Southeast Asia: from recognition to regulation or reward Thomas P. Tomich, David E. Thomas, and Meine van Noordwijk. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment – special issue (in press).7. Bridging scales and knowledge domains of watershed functions by Meine van Noordwijk, Laxman Joshi, Desi Suyamto, Ai Farida and Bruno Verbist (Presented at CPWF Baseline Workshop Nairobi 2 – 6 November 2003).8. ‘Montane Mainland Southeast Asia – A Brief Spatial Overview’ [2.98MB]. By Thomas, David E. 2003. In: Xu Jianchu and Stephen Mikesell (Editors), Landscapes of Diversity: Indigenous Knowledge, Sustainable Livelihoods and Resource Governance in Montane Mainland Southeast Asia. Proceedings of the III Symposium on MMSEA 25–28 August 2002, Lijiang, P.R. China. Kunming: Yunnan Science and Technology Press. pp. 25–40.9. SpatRain: a Simulator of Space/Time Patterns in Rainfall for Predicting Scale Dependence of Variability of Rainfall-related Processes - Draft Manuscript by Desi Ariyadhi Suyamto, Meine van Noordwijk, Betha Lusiana and Ai Farida.Disclaimer: Inclusion here is for the benefit of the reader to better understand the project report and does not imply any direct responsibility by the BNPP-FVOB project or its investor for the contents. A number of the manuscripts has restrictive copyrights and can not be distributed publicly beyond the project circle.
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Thomas D E
indigenous knowledge, landscape, living standards, resource management, sustainable development