Yunnan, located in southwestern China, is known for its high fungal diversity, and many of which are endemic to the region. As part of our ongoing studies on fungi in Yunnan, we introduce two new genera in Phaeothecoidiellaceae (Mycosphaerellales), to accommodate one Repetophragma-like and another Stomiopeltis-like taxa. Pseudorepetophragma gen. nov. is introduced herein as a monotypic genus to accommodate P. zygopetali comb. nov.(≡ Repetophragma zygopetali), whereas Pseudostomiopeltis gen. nov. is introduced to accommodate Ps. xishuangbannaensis gen. et sp. nov. and Ps. phyllanthi comb. nov.(≡ Stomiopeltis phyllanthi), based on a new collection from Yunnan. In addition, Stomiopeltis sinensis is transferred to Exopassalora as E. sinensis comb. nov. due to its phylogenetic affinity and grouped with E. zambiae, the generic type of Exopassalora. This study provides new insights into the biodiversity of fungal species in this region and adds to our understanding of their ecological roles, as well as the resolution to ambiguous taxa in Phaeothecoidiellaceae.
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