Most smallholder farmers in Indonesia cultivate both annual and perennial crops on farms of limited size, frequently 1 ha or less. Traditionally, these systems evolved to produce agricultural and tree products for home consumption, with the surplus being sold locally. The development of infrastructure and market economies has opened commercial opportunities for smallholder farmers. However, many smallholders still face challenges related to crop production and marketing: landholdings do not reflect economies of scale; suboptimal management practices produce commodities that do not meet market specifications; and farmers have limited understanding of market information and marketing channels. Additionally, farmers lack access to professional assistance that could enable them to enhance their production and marketing capacity. Working with communities in West Java, the authors implemented a number of studies to identify how vegetable production could be intensified in smallholder agroforestry systems where additional land for agricultural expansion did not exist. Baseline studies and rapid market appraisal were conducted to identify existing conditions and possible opportunities. Focus group discussions were held to identify smallholders' and traders' interest in expanding smallholder vegetable production and marketing. Understory vegetable production trials were conducted under three light intensity levels representative of common agroforestry systems. A cross-visit was held to provide exposure and intensive capacity building to smallholders regarding market-oriented production of select vegetable commodities. A consumer preference study was implemented to inform smallholders and traders regarding market prospects. Findings indicate that opportunities exist for smallholders to intensify production and marketing of vegetables in their existing agroforestry systems. However, to take full advantage of those opportunities, smallholder farmers would require technical, marketing, and material assistance
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