Government units, such as ministries, non-ministerial government agencies (e.g. BNPB and Peatland Restoration Agency-BRG) and sub-national government departments are responsible for setting budgets, planning and implementing these policies. However, they are restricted financially. Public–private partnerships offer a solution. This hybrid governance will increase the legitimacy of private sector initiatives and the effectiveness of government programs.
A number of laws, regulations and policies at the national and sub-national level provide a legal umbrella allowing fire-prevention efforts to be scaled up. Funding is allocated from the government through state and local budgets, as well as from non-governmental organizations and the commercial sector. There are various mechanisms for self-financing IFFS, for example by establishing a revolving fund, village-owned enterprises (BUMDes), microfinancing institutions and cooperatives. To sustain IFFS programs and activities, a strong business model must be developed for every IFFS activity, incorporating its resources, its value creation and capture, and its transaction costs. Marketing of products is a significant element of sustainability must be developed.
The challenge in scaling-up efforts is the implementation of IFFS program on the ground. Our study noted slow technology adoption, lack of capacity, unstable market price and lack of stakeholders’ interest as the most prominent challenges. Stakeholders are concerned about generating a more permanent solution, i.e. creating a master plan of natural resources management in the area, and measuring the effectiveness and success of the IFFS program. Addressing these concerns could facilitate the scaling up the IFFS program at the national level.
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Purnomo, H.; Komarudin, H.; Ilham, Q.P.; Joni, A.; Aenunaim; Jasnari; Puspitaloka, D.; Dewi, S.; Pacheco, P.
landscape, ecological restoration