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Role of international research centers' soil laboratories in agricultural development

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The worldwide network of 16 research centers of the ConsultativeGroup for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) focuses onresearch, training, education, and capacity-buildingwith the goalofpoverty alleviation through increased production, economicdevelopment,andenvironmental protectionin the poorer countriesof the world. The centers work in partnership with the nationalagricultural research systems as well as advanced research institutions. The pillars of their research aregermplasm enhance-mentandnatural resource management. The soil laboratory isfundamental to such research endeavors, involving analysis of soilsas a basis for soil characterization, identifying nutrient constraints,and establishing criteria for fertilizer application and efficientnutrient use, along with water, plant, and fertilizer analysis. The soillaboratory backstops both basic and applied research. Most CGIARcenters’ laboratories have atraining functionfor their region’snational programs, and are involved in networks to upgradeanalytical standards and maintain quality output. Many laboratoriesalso host students from regional universities for their graduateresearch. There is a need for an increased role for laboratory analysisin the future research and development programs of the internationalcenters. However, inherent weaknesses in the system will have to beaddressed, as well as improved staff training, centralization ofanalytical services, automation, and quality assurance. There willalso be a shift in the types of analysis as research programs placemore emphasis on environment rather than traditional soil fertilityconcerns.

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