Key messages
- Drawing on interdisciplinary research expertise, this document lays out principles for best practice for the use of drones as part of biodiversity conservation and/or efforts to defend rights to land.
- We outline the risks that drones can pose to local communities and wildlife and propose mitigating strategies for minimising these risks.
- As drone imagery often captures identifiable human subjects, we highlight the importance of practices to avoid capture or deleting imagery where not needed, to reduce the risk of conservation data being used for other political purposes.
Related Journal articles and Blog:
- Drones, communities and nature: pitfalls and possibilities for conservation and territorial rights
- Protecting people and wildlife from the potential harms of drone use in biodiversity conservation: interdisciplinary dialogues
- How to use drones with respect for people and wildlife,blog by Lily Hess
Tahun publikasi
Millner, N.; Cunliffe, A.; Jackman, A.; Laumonier, Y.; Lunstrum, E.; Mulero-Pazmany, M.; Paneque-Galvez, J.; Sandbrook, C.; Wich, S.
Kata kunci
interdisciplinary research, biodiversity conservation, technology, guidelines