Key messages
- It is important to distinguish between coordination failures in REDD+ policy and implementation that can be addressed through improved coordination, and those that arise from fundamental differences in goals and interests.
- To improve the chance of finding more equitable solutions, collaborative multiactor processes and forums should be designed with specific attention to local context, addressing power differences not only through procedural justice, but also through attention to underlying sources of inequity.
- Not all solutions can be negotiated, such as when highly unequal power relations combine with entrenched differences of interest. Other important options include regulations and law enforcement, and support for collective action by grassroots actors and coalitions for change.
Tahun publikasi
Larson, A.M.; Sarmiento Barletti, J.P.; Ravikumar, A.; Korhonen-Kurki, K.
Kata kunci
climate change, ecosystem services, mitigation, emissions, forests