CIFOR-ICRAF berfokus pada tantangan-tantangan dan peluang lokal dalam memberikan solusi global untuk hutan, bentang alam, masyarakat, dan Bumi kita

Kami menyediakan bukti-bukti serta solusi untuk mentransformasikan bagaimana lahan dimanfaatkan dan makanan diproduksi: melindungi dan memperbaiki ekosistem, merespons iklim global, malnutrisi, keanekaragaman hayati dan krisis disertifikasi. Ringkasnya, kami berupaya untuk mendukung kehidupan yang lebih baik.

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CIFOR-ICRAF menerbitkan lebih dari 750 publikasi setiap tahunnya mengenai agroforestri, hutan dan perubahan iklim, restorasi bentang alam, pemenuhan hak-hak, kebijakan hutan dan masih banyak lagi – juga tersedia dalam berbagai bahasa..

CIFOR-ICRAF berfokus pada tantangan-tantangan dan peluang lokal dalam memberikan solusi global untuk hutan, bentang alam, masyarakat, dan Bumi kita

Kami menyediakan bukti-bukti serta solusi untuk mentransformasikan bagaimana lahan dimanfaatkan dan makanan diproduksi: melindungi dan memperbaiki ekosistem, merespons iklim global, malnutrisi, keanekaragaman hayati dan krisis disertifikasi. Ringkasnya, kami berupaya untuk mendukung kehidupan yang lebih baik.

CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

CIFOR–ICRAF addresses local challenges and opportunities while providing solutions to global problems for forests, landscapes, people and the planet.

We deliver actionable evidence and solutions to transform how land is used and how food is produced: conserving and restoring ecosystems, responding to the global climate, malnutrition, biodiversity and desertification crises. In short, improving people’s lives.

Gaharu (eaglewood) domestication

Ekspor kutipan

Agarwood, produced by trees of the genus Aquilariain response to wounding and infection by fungi such as Fusarium, has a long history as one of the most valuable non-timber forest products in SE Asia, providing income to forest-dependent people. With the emergence of controlled infection with Fusarium concoctions of Aquilaria trees planted in monocultural plantations or as under story on tree crop plantations or agroforests, considerable shifts in the location of production, in the balance of supply and demand, and hence in the price can be expected. We provide an overview of current use, grading and demand, as well as current supply, based on literature and trade data. Description of the current state of biotechnology and its main actors, is followed by an estimate of the way supply from domesticated sources will undercut current collection of agarwood as forest product. Between 2010 and 2020 domesticated sources are expected to fully replace forest collection, with a fall in price by a factor of about 2. Early adopters among the rubber (and other) agroforest owners in the relevant agroecological domain are likely to benefit substantially, while later adopters will still get are source competitive to rubber trees per unit space. Active spreading of knowledge on the agarwood biotechnology is in the interest of the managers of diverse rubber agroforests.

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