Spontaneous rural-to-rural migration has many impacts on every dimension of human life. Migrationdriven by the hunger for land has been stimulated by the development of high economic value crops.The study of migration networks will contribute to a better portrait of continuing migration and therelated actors: their influence on the decision to migrate and their role in facilitating the migration.This study focussed on Bugis migrant communities— famous as great wanderers—in SoutheastSulawesi Province, Indonesia. In the province, smallholders’ cocoa plantations are dominated byBugis migrants, contributing two-thirds of the total 137 833 tonnes of cocoa production in 2010.Research was conducted at the migrants’ destination (Konawae District) and origin (Sinjai District).The study showed that the main motivation for Bugis to migrate was to obtain land. The three mainwaves of migration to Southeast Sulawesi are characterized by development of a major commodity ineach time period: 1) the ‘green revolution’ with paddy-rice development in the 1970s–80s; 2) thecocoa boom in early (1980s–2000s) and late phases (2000s until present). Four migration networkpatterns were deliberately or unintentionally developed by the Bugis migrant community: 1) kinshipnetwork; 2) patron–client relationship; 3) migration owing to work displacement; and 4) the pioneermigration: early migrants who have lived in Southeast Sulawesi for a long time. In each wave, thecentral actor in the migration is the land broker, linking different villages and families.
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