Recent work to establish and produce multipurpose trees is reviewed in terms of their production and role in animal feeding systems. A great deal of variability was found in fodder production, with Acacia angustissima, Leucaena leucocephala cv. Cunningham, Gliricidia sepium and to some extent Cajanus cajan producing the highest fodder yields at both Domboshawa and Makoholi sites. However, with C. cajan the yields at Makoholi were much lower than at Domboshawa. Among the alternative species to the psyllid-prone L. leucocephala, A. angustissima has shown superior fodder productivity. Within the Leucaena genus L. esculenta subsp. paniculata (OFI 52/87), L. diversifolia subsp. stenocarpa (OFI 53/88), L. pallida (G2137) and to some extent L. pulverulenta (OF 84/87) have shown the greatest potential at both Domboshawa and Makoholi. Due to differences in chemical composition, the different fodder trees were variable in the extent to which they can be relied upon as feed resources in Zimbabwe. Notable differences were found in fibre content, in vitro dry matter digestibility, acceptability and intake by livestock and therefore, their potential in affecting animal productivity.
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