This book is directed to non-economists working in the context of developing countries. The purpose is to provide an overview of methods that may be used to assess the economic importance of forests to household livelihoods. The methods are presented with a number of examples of their use, most of them drawn from developing countries. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach is now well recognized, and non-economists are increasingly working in teams that include economists. Moreover, many non-economists are being asked to plan and execute projects that include an economic element. This book will provide the reader with the tools to understand the different approaches and methods and make more informed decisions as to which methods may be applicable. The book comprises of eight chapters: 1. Bruce Campbell and Martin K. Luckert. Towards understanding the role of forests in rural livelihoods. 2. William Cavendish. Quantitative methods for estimating the economic value of resource use to rural households. 3. Michele Veeman. Understanding local and regional markets for forest products. 4. Peter C. Boxal and Tom Beckley. An introduction to approach and issues for measuring non-market values in developing economies. 5. Terrence S. Veenan and Martin K. Luckert. Economic decision-making framework for considering resource values: procedures, perils and promise. 6. Nontokozo Nemarundwe and Michael Richards. Participatory methods for exploring livelihood values derived from forests: potential and limitations. 7. Bev Sithole, Peter Frost and Terrence S. Veeman. Searching for synthesis: integrating economic perspectives with those from other disciplines. 8. Martin K. Luckert and Bruce M. Campbell. Expanding our conceptual and methodological understanding of the role of trees and forests in rural livelihoods.
Année de publication
Campbell, B.M.; Luckert, M.K.; eds.
Mots clés
forest products, woodlands, forest resources, rural economics, rural welfare, valuation, methodology, prices, markets, cost benefit analysis, participatory rural appraisal