A set of technical manual of 7 Agroforestry options implemented in Northwest Viet Nam under Agroforestry for livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Northwest Viet Nam (Phase I) and Developing and promoting market-based agroforestry and forest rehabilitation options for Northwest Viet Nam (Phase II) project. Each guideline includes (1) Introduction, (2) Design, (3) Planting techniques and fertilizing, (4) pruning and canopy formation, (5) pests and diseases prevention, (6) harvesting, (7) economic efficiency and (8) reference
Année de publication
La, N.; Pham, H.T.; Do, V.H.; Do, T.H.; Tran, H.M.; Vu, T.H.; Nguyen, V.T.
Mots clés
agroforestry, livelihoods, market, forest rehabilitation, root systems, soil erosion, agroforestry system
Viet Nam